What to Expect in 8th Grade
Welcome to 8th Grade
The eighth grade year is one of the most important transition years. In addition to our typical counseling services, we have a variety of transition activities and resources available in the spring to assist with the middle school to high school transition. As your student's counselor, we are available to assist with a variety of questions, issues and concerns.
8th Grade Classes
Each 8th grade student will be placed on a team. Each team consists of five teachers who teach Language Arts, Social Studies,Science, Spanish and Math. Every 8th grade student has two elective periods during the day. These two elective periods could include a gym class, a remediation class, a performing arts class or a diversified arts class.
What to Expect in 8th Grade
Your student's counselor will work with your student to complete the high School planning process. In December, the counselor will meet with groups of eighth grade students to review graduation plans, diploma requirements, block scheduling, and high school terminology. In January, the high school counselors will meet with groups of eighth grade students to select high school courses. It is important as a parent to review this information with your child. Parents are invited to a parent meeting to review all questions and concerns. In late January, students will work with the high school and middle school counselors to select scheduling requests online during the school day. In late July, all incoming freshman are invited to attend an orientation day at the high school and will receive their tentative schedule, ID, tour of the school, locker assignment and textbooks.
To learn more about the High School Curriculum and scheduling options, please visit the NHS Guidance Course Descriptions webpage.