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What to Expect in 7th Grade

Welcome to 7th Grade  
7th Grade is an exciting year that is full of new experiences and opportunities for growth. The NEMS Counseling Department is excited to continue serving as an advocate for you and your student.      
7th Grade Classes
Each 7th Grade student will be placed on a team. Each team consists of four teachers who teach Language Arts, Social Studies, Science and Math. Every 7th Grade student has two elective periods during the day. These two elective periods could include a gym class, a remediation class, a performing arts class or a diversified arts class. 
Parent Resources for 7th Grade
1.With Freedom comes Responsibility. Seventh Grade can be one of the most stressful years socially for students. With the addition of hormonal changes and new emotions, your regularly compliant child might begin to test limits. It is important that as a Parent you continue to allow additional freedom, but you still maintain regular monitoring of your child's schoolwork, friends and social activities.   
2. Monitor your child's homework, but don't manage it.  Parents should continue to keep track of student's grades and completion of work. Parents can view daily assignments on each teacher's classroom webpage. Parents should also monitor grades through PowerSchool. If you have lost your PowerSchool ID, please contact Student Services.
3. Monitor your child's technology use. As a parent, you will need to set the rules for all technology in your house, including cameras, devices such as phones, IPADS, etc. You will want to set limits on how much time the devices can be used as well as how those devices can be used. You are the FCC for your child's technology and can limit or take away any devices. You may even want to create a technology contract with your child that outlines all rules for technology.  
4. Help your child develop a strong work ethic. Your seventh grade student should have homework or review activities every night to complete. If your child does not have homework in a particular subject, encourage him or her to at least spend 10 minutes reviewing notes from class that day. This will greatly improve your child's test performance over that material. In 7th grade, students will be responsible for making up any work that occurred during absences.  
5. Encourage your student to get involved.  Joining a club and/or activity is shown to increase a student's overall success and well-being. Encourage your student to the check our daily announcements to learn about sport try-outs, club meetings and other special events. A list of clubs and activities can also be found on our website.