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What to Expect in 6th Grade

Welcome to 6th Grade

The NEMS Counseling Department is very excited to welcome you to NEMS! As your student's counselors, we are available to assist with a variety of questions, issues and concerns. We serve as advocates for you and your child.      
6th Grade Classes
Each 6th grade student will be placed on an academic team. Our Sixth Grade Teams are named: West Point, DePauw, Stanford, and Wisconsin. Each team consists of four teachers who teach Language Arts, Social Studies, Science and Math. Team classrooms are located near each other and each team has its own section in the 6th grade hallway. 
Every 6th grade student has two elective periods during the day. These two elective periods could include a gym class, a remediation class, a performing arts class and/or a diversified arts class. Students who choose to enroll in a performing arts class have the choice to take Strings, Band, and/or Choir. Students taking a performing arts class for one of their full year electives will have a semester of physical education with 2 nine week diversified arts classes for their other elective period.  Sixth grade students who do not participate in a performing arts class will have a physical education class for one of their full year electives and then will have 4 nine week diversified arts classes for their other elective period.
Top 10 Tips for Making a Successful Transition to Middle School 
1. Attend School Every Day! If a student misses a day of school, it is his or her responsibility to contact all teachers for make-up work. Students are expected to return make-up work within a timely manner.
2. Get to Know NEMS!  Be familiar with our calendar, daily schedule, rules, dress code and homework policies. Be sure to attend the Meet at the Middle Summer Orientation program in July to see where your classes and lockers are located.  3. Get Involved! A successful student is a well-rounded student. Listen to the daily announcements to learn about sport try-outs, club meetings and other special events. 
4. Get Organized! Develop a system for organizing all homework, returned work and notes. Clean out your materials at least every two weeks. Take time to clean out your locker monthly. Make sure that you write down your assignments daily in your student agenda. 
5.  Be a Successful Student! Before you walk into class each day, make sure that you have all your class materials including homework, textbooks, and a pencil. When you don't understand a class assignment, use your Student Learning Time at the end of the day to ask questions or ask during class.
6. Display the Miller Way! All students at NEMS are encouraged to follow the Miller Way including Being Responsible, Respectful, Safe and Always Learning.
7. Be a positive Bystander! If someone is being treated wrong or being bullied, be willing to stand up for that person by telling an adult. You also can complete an anonymous Bullying report in the Student Services office.
8. Make Good Choices! In Middle School, you might face new instances of peer pressure. It is important that you stay true to yourself and listen to your own intuition. Don't be afraid to ask your Counselor for advice on how to deal with peer pressure.
9. Monitor your Grades! As a student, you can login to PowerSchool and view your grades. It is important to set goals each quarter for grade improvement.
10.  Be Responsible with Technology! Often times in Middle School, students will start using more apps and technology programs. These programs are great when used appropriately. We encourage you to not misuse these programs and for parents to engage in conversations about appropriate use of technology often.