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Clubs and Activities

Thank you for visiting the Noblesville East Middle School clubs and activities page. Please click the Club or Activity name below for a brief description. Please click the following link for a printable copy of all the clubs and activities for the 2024 to 2025 school year. 

Art enrichment takes place during East Time and includes students who are motivated to learn about and create art.

Best Buddies is an international program that connects neuro typical students in friendships with peers who have intellectual/developmental disabilities

Book club is a flexible extracurricular club that allows students to participate one session at a time.

Boys Choir (named Boys II Boyz) is the Tenor/Bass Choir at NEMS. Tenor/Basses of any grade level can join the group with no audition required.

This club is for students of all skill levels wanting to enjoy a social experience by playing chess against other friends

The NEMS Drama Club is an after-school activity that involves students in many different aspects of theater: Performing, Costumes, and Backstage Crew.

The Dungeons and Dragons Club is an after-school group where students will learn the art of creating characters to adventure in creative worlds while participating in one of the most well-known tabletop role-playing games.

The NASA Robotics Club is an out-of-school-hours club offering students the chance to design, build, and program robots. 

The National Junior Honor Society is a service-learning organization where students are invited to apply based upon academic performance.

NEMS offers 1 advanced orchestra “Miller Forte”.  This is a group for students who want to be challenged beyond the normal class level for their grade. 

The Noblesville East Middle School Pep Band is an extracurricular activity November-February that supports and provides entertainment at NEMS home basketball games.

Show Choir (named Vocal Revolution) is the advanced Choir at NEMS. This group has auditions in April and is open to 7th & 8th grade students who are enrolled in a Performing Arts course and are selected through the audition process.

Student Council is a co-curricular club with in–person monthly meetings

The Tech Team is an enrichment class that meets throughout the school year during East time. Our primary focus is to help students and teachers with their technology needs on a daily basis

The Yearbook staff is selected at the end of each academic school year and is open to 7th and 8th grade students